Website Production Credits
Wolek's Famous Moustache Parlour would like to thank the following individuals and company's who took part in creating our website. This was difficult and in some cases, we were swindeled! We fully endorse and reccomend everyone below and gladly vouch for their services!
The creative genious at localsitesolutions.com and their wizard Jen Winford creating user friendly and unique webdesign, graphics, and more that is functual AND WORKS!
Thomas Phillip is a talented video editor and photography located in Long Beach, CA. He filmed and edited our Moustache Salesman pitch video and all of the artistic fashion photography. Click here to see a gallery of his work from moustacheparlour.com
Chad at http://www.big-bot.com is a stunning graphics and print design studio in Fayettville, AK. Big Bot Design contributed to our logo, business card, product package design, and several graphics found on www.moustacheparlour.com
Amanda Rowan from http://rowanimagery.com is a gifted photographer. I loved how Amanda directs her's models and creates her imagery. Click here for her images used on moustaceparlor.com.

Ron Wolek
Ron Wolek is a third generation hair, wig, and makeup artist who's work includes TV, Film, Theatre, and Themeparks.

Mary "Pepper"Sanches, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Pepper is a talented fashion stylist and hair and makeup artist, specializing in period and retro hair styles.

Octavio Solis, Los Angeles, CA USA
Octavio is talented makeup artist, hair stylist, and instructor and also creates special effects.

Thomas Phillip, Long Beach, CA USA
Thomas Phillip is a talented photographer, video editor, hraphic designer, and director.
*if you helped out and would like credit; please send a email with your info, url, and a pic attached to us here.